curated collections
[ quarterly issues ]
01.2025 - 03.2025
Experience JBC Live!
March 28
Permanent Records Roadhouse
L.A., CA
May 14-25
UK/IE Tour
This issue includes:
- Q&A
music videos
listening room
(read the intro & this will make sense)
My path to Jagged Baptist Club was sincerely organic & reminiscent of some of my teen music experiences (ages ago). I did not find them on a suggested Instagram reel or via a Spotify happenstance. Instead, it was a case of old-school word-of-mouth coupled with a bit of good luck. It’s relevant to share that I'm a shameless Suede fanatic (for about 30 years) and therefore I dabble in all things related to the Brit Pop legends. A good friend of mine told me that Sprints had made a lasting impression when she saw them open for Suede, on their March 2023 UK tour. So, when we heard they were coming to SoCal (March 2024) & playing in our hood (at The Echo), we made it a point to attend (with bells on). My friend insisted we arrive early (as in we actually queued) so that we could make our way to the front. Truth be told, I quietly grumbled when I realized that we'd have to stand through the supporting act’s entire set. I was not prepared or expecting to be jolted by this Los Angeles based quartet. BUT, then out they came & literally, "Whoa!!!" Each member brought their own essence & all meshed into a brilliant & enticing enigma. My friend & I jumped around with the rest of the crowd which was filled with already adoring & devoted fans. I'd clearly missed out on their local rise but was so very happy to now be in the know! JBC had me hooked from open to close & left me wanting more! Where had they been all my life anyway?! These guys definitely bring something fresh to the table & it's more than just the music - it's their presence, dedication, energy & effortless authenticity! They're not pretending - they really are that cool!
Note: for your research convenience ...
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(indie music zine)
exists for
creators & connoisseurs!
*all Q&A's are conducted via
e-mail with interviewer, ZsaZsa K.